President: Richard Delea

Title | Name | Lodge |
President | Richard Delea | Hanover 227 |
Vice President | Shaun Trude | Millerstown 925 |
Chaplin | Tracy B. Houck | Millerstown 925 |
Treasurer | Bradley Gottschall | Gettysburg 1526 |
Secretary | William Gumbinger | Marysville 107 |
Jr. Past President | Joseph Foreman | Carlisle 761 |
Activities | Tracy B. Houck | Millerstown 925 |
Arthritis | Shawn Trude | Millertown 925 |
Council of Higher Degree | William Gumbinger | Marysville 107 |
Fellowship | Harry “Jake” Bucher | Gettysburg 1526 |
Government Relations | William Gumbinger | Marysville 107 |
Heart of the Community | Richard Delea | Hanover 227 |
Loss Prevention | Joseph Foreman | Carlisle 761 |
Membership | Mike Fraker | Carlisle 761 |
MooseHeart | Joseph Foreman | Carlisle 761 |
MooseHaven | Laurie Jean Houck | Millerstown 925 |
Moose Charities | Richard Miller | Millerstown 925 |
Moose Legion | Gary Hilbolt | Millerstown 925 |
Moose of the Year | Gary Hilbolt | Millerstown 925 |
Moose Riders | Ken Rager | Millerstown 925 |
Pilgrim | Harry “Jake” Bucher | Gettysburg 1526 |
Ratings | Joseph Foreman | Carlisle 761 |
Safe Surfin | Alice Hibolt | Millerstown 925 |
Scholarship | Shawn Shadle | McSherrystown 720 |
Sports | Shawn Trude | Millertown 925 |
Two Yeasr Special Commitment | ||
Veterans | Mike Fraker | Carlisle 761 |
WOTM Degrees | Sherry Rager | Millerstown 925 |
Youth Awareness Coordinator | Laurie Jean Houck | Millerstown 925 |