District 6

President: Richard Delea

PresidentRichard DeleaHanover 227
Vice PresidentShaun TrudeMillerstown 925
ChaplinTracy B. HouckMillerstown 925
TreasurerBradley GottschallGettysburg 1526
SecretaryWilliam GumbingerMarysville 107
Jr. Past PresidentJoseph ForemanCarlisle 761
ActivitiesTracy B. HouckMillerstown 925
ArthritisShawn TrudeMillertown 925
Council of Higher DegreeWilliam GumbingerMarysville 107
FellowshipHarry “Jake” BucherGettysburg 1526
Government RelationsWilliam GumbingerMarysville 107
Heart of the CommunityRichard DeleaHanover 227
Loss PreventionJoseph ForemanCarlisle 761
MembershipMike FrakerCarlisle 761
MooseHeartJoseph ForemanCarlisle 761
MooseHavenLaurie Jean HouckMillerstown 925
Moose CharitiesRichard MillerMillerstown 925
Moose LegionGary HilboltMillerstown 925
Moose of the YearGary HilboltMillerstown 925
Moose RidersKen Rager Millerstown 925
PilgrimHarry “Jake” BucherGettysburg 1526
RatingsJoseph ForemanCarlisle 761
Safe SurfinAlice Hibolt Millerstown 925
ScholarshipShawn ShadleMcSherrystown 720
SportsShawn TrudeMillertown 925
Two Yeasr Special Commitment
VeteransMike FrakerCarlisle 761
WOTM DegreesSherry RagerMillerstown 925
Youth Awareness CoordinatorLaurie Jean HouckMillerstown 925