District 3

President: Ron Bell

PresidentRon BellHuntingdon #223
Vice PresidentMike Ross Altoona #74
ChaplinJesse Morgan Huntingdon #223
TreasurerJohn Garber Huntingdon #223
SecretaryRodney Grine Windber #349
Jr. Past PresidentDave Fortson Huntingdon #223
ActivitiesDave Fortson Huntingdon #223
ArthritisMelissa Schneider Huntingdon #223
Council of Higher DegreeJesse Morgan Huntingdon #223
FellowshipMike Clawson Ebensburg #681
Government RelationsJames Hudack Huntingdon #223
Heart of the CommunityPhyllis Martin Patton #488
Loss PreventionMike Rummel Windber #349
MembershipLinda Gomer Meyersdale #76
MooseHeartRick King Huntingdon #223
MooseHavenRick King Huntingdon #223
Moose CharitiesJesse Morgan Huntingdon #223
Moose LegionJohn Garber Huntingdon #223
Moose of the YearMike Ross Altoona #74
Moose RidersSteve Heise Bedford #480
PilgrimMike Clawson Ebensburg #681
RatingsTessa Lins Bedford #480
Safe SurfinMike Honstine Huntingdon #223
ScholarshipRodney Grine Windber #349
SportsDave Fortson Huntingdon #223
Two Yeasr Special CommitmentJesse Morgan Huntingdon #223
VeteransTerry Weaverling Huntingdon #223
WOTM DegressCarole Brant Meyersdale #76
Youth Awareness CoordinatorRick King Huntingdon #223